Amnesty International Raises Alarm on Risks Posed by Artificial Intelligence in Elections

amnesty international raises alarm on risks posed by artificial intelligence in elections

Neglected Rights: AI Training Programs and the Neglect of Human Rights

In its annual report on the state of human rights, Amnesty International highlights the dangers posed by technology and various artificial intelligence tools in perpetuating hatred, segregation, and discrimination. The organization points out the concerning impact of AI training programs like “GBT Chat,” which contribute to the neglect of rights by enabling the spread of racism, misinformation, and restrictions on freedom of expression.

Downplayed Damages: Tech Giants’ Complicity in Human Rights Violations

Amnesty International criticizes major technology companies for either ignoring or downplaying the damages caused by AI tools, even in conflict zones such as Ethiopia, Israel, the occupied Palestinian territories, Sudan, and Myanmar. The report emphasizes the need for greater accountability and responsibility on the part of tech giants in addressing the negative consequences of their technologies.

Rise in Hate Crimes: Anti-Muslim and Anti-Semitic Content Online

The report highlights the alarming increase in anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic hate crimes in Europe and the United States. Online platforms have become breeding grounds for incitement and harm against Palestinian and Jewish communities. Amnesty International raises concerns about the role of AI algorithms in amplifying and disseminating such content, exacerbating societal divisions.

Repressive Restrictions and Surveillance: Exploitation of Technology

Governments around the world have exploited technology, including facial recognition, to impose repressive restrictions on marginalized communities, immigrants, and refugees. Amnesty International emphasizes the need for safeguards to prevent the misuse of technology for surveillance and control purposes, particularly in the context of public demonstrations and border control operations.

Unregulated Spyware: Facilitating Human Rights Violations

The report expresses concerns about the continued use of unregulated spyware, such as the Pegasus software, which has been employed against journalists and civil society activists in various countries. Amnesty International highlights the global implications of such spyware and calls for stronger regulations to prevent its misuse and protect human rights.

Tech Outlaws and Election Influence: A Threat to Democratic Processes

As 2024 witnesses significant elections worldwide, Amnesty International warns of the influence wielded by tech outlaws over technology and social media platforms. The report underscores the potential dangers of manipulation, disinformation, and targeted attacks on minorities, highlighting the need for transparency, accountability, and safeguards to protect democratic processes.

Generative AI: Transformative Potential and Risks to Marginalized Groups

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence tools raises concerns about their impact on human rights, particularly the rights of marginalized groups. Amnesty International emphasizes the need for effective regulation to prevent the technology from exacerbating inequalities and violating fundamental rights, including access to social welfare, education, employment, labor rights, and privacy.

Real-World Risks: Examples of AI’s Impact on Human Rights

Amnesty International provides concrete examples of AI risks, including the use of facial recognition technology in the occupied Palestinian territories, which strengthens restrictions on freedom of movement and contributes to an apartheid-like system. The report also highlights the adverse effects of semi-automated social welfare systems in Serbia, disproportionately affecting Roma and people with disabilities.

Combating Misinformation: Safeguarding Elections and Minority Rights

Amnesty International expresses concerns about the spread of false and misleading information, particularly during the numerous elections scheduled for 2024. The report underscores the deliberate use of social media as a weapon by forces of political repression to attack minorities and sow division. It emphasizes the importance of measures to combat misinformation and protect minority rights during electoral processes.



Salma Hussain is an MBBS doctor who loves to write on health-related topics. Apart from this, writing on sports and entertainment topics is her hobby. She is playing the role of an important writer in Arab Post.

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