Jordan Walks a Fine Line for Peace Amid Israel’s War in Gaza

Jordan Walks a Fine Line for Peace Amid Israel’s War in Gaza

Jordan remains steadfast in maintaining peace in the vulnerable Middle East which has seen sporadic conflicts in recent months. And with the war raging in Gaza between Israel and the Hamas, King Abdullah has once again called for an immediate end to hostilities, the safety of civilians, and the provision of relief.

He highlighted the need of hundreds of thousands of refugees in the region for humanitarian assistance. “As serious crises compete for international attention, the plight of refugees and their host countries has taken a back seat. With all eyes on Gaza, international powers must recognize that global crises demand long-term responsibility-sharing.”

King Abdullah wants a political resolution to end the Israel-Palestine conflict, based on the two-state solution. He said this can only be achieve through coordinated Arab actions. Applauding Egypt’s efforts to prevent Palestinians from been banished from their homeland, the Jordan ruler believes Gaza and the West Bank should be a component of the Palestinian state.

Deteriorating Jordan, Israel Relations

Since the IDF began its military offensive in Gaza, Jordan and Israel relations have deteriorated. But Jordan remains a central part of the regional diplomacy and Gaza aid efforts. Despite having different priorities in regards to Gaza, Israel and Jordan have mutual interests in ensuring that the war does not spread to Jerusalem or the West Bank.

Ben Fisher, a senior fellow in The Washington Institute’s Program on Arab Politics, says the Jordian leadership does not want to give any further ammunition to the Islamic Action Front (IAF), the party representing the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, or other opponents.

“And Israel cannot afford to commit additional troops to the Jordanian border area or the broader West Bank. Their bilateral security ties have remained close so far, but these ties could fray if the war widens.”

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Israel Displacing People of Gaza

Fisher pointed out King Abdullah and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s poor relationship. Jordan stepped further back when Israel saw a far-right government rise in 2022. There are concerns about Israel’s plans to push West Bank Palestinians into Jordan.

In recent days, Jordan has been rejecting any attempt at forced displacement of Gazans into Jordan and Egypt. Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Israel was pushing the Palestinians out of Gaza. “What we are seeing in Gaza is not just simply the killing of innocent people and the destruction of their livelihoods, but a systematic effort to empty Gaza of its people.”

Jordan continues to call out to the US to put an end to Israel’s military offensive in Gaza. Safadi said US’s support is and UN inaction has emboldened Israel to continue with its massacre.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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