Palestinian Groups Hamas and Fatah Agree to Work Together

palestinian groups hamas and fatah agree to work together

Two big Palestinian groups, Hamas and Fatah, said they would try to form a unified government. They issued the pledge in China, where they were joined by 12 other smaller factions from the Palestinian region. This may turn out to be a very important development because Hamas and Fatah have been fighting each other for years.

Background About Hamas and Fatah

The two largest Palestinian political parties are Hamas and Fatah. Fatah was founded in the 1950s and historically has been secular. It dominates the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. An Islamist movement born in 1987, Hamas controls Gaza. The two have been bitter rivals since 2006, when Hamas won legislative elections, prompting a bloody breakup in 2007. Their strife has dominated Palestinian politics and statehood bids for more than a decade.

What Did They Agree Upon?

They claim to want to found a Palestinian state inside the pre-1967 borders. The details as to how they are going to work in cooperation with each other and exactly when it will happen remain scant.

Why Important?

Should Fatah and Hamas unite, this could be a change in how Palestinians are governed. Many people doubt this will come to pass because similar promises have been made before, and nothing changed.

What Does Israel Think?

Israel doesn’t like this deal. It doesn’t want Hamas in charge of Gaza after this war, nor does it want Fatah. Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, responded that he wouldn’t want to see either of the groups lead Gaza because he sees both as detrimental to Israel.

Keep On Reading

Why Did This Happen in China?

China is working hard to increase its influence in world politics. By facilitating this agreement between Hamas and Fatah, China is attempting to establish that it can solve the complex regional crises in the Middle East.

What’s Next?

It’s hard to say. The agreement has very little substance, and Israel or other countries may not stand behind it. The war between Israel and Hamas complicates everything.

Is this a game-changer?

Maybe; maybe not. Hamas and Fatah have promised similar things in the past that never panned out. Many people believe this is just for show and nothing is going to change.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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