Positive Diplomacy a Need for Gaza Peace, Palestine Resolution

gaza destruction

Hostage release by both Hamas and Israel and ensuing 4-day ceasefire is a cautiously step into besieged Gaza. It took the international community more than a month to reach a deal with Hamas and Israel for a much-needed truce. This conflict needs to be treaded cautiously.

The West has for long overlooked the plight of Gaza and the occupation of Israeli settlers, as well as the Israeli forces atrocities in the territory. Hamas’ October 7 strike opened up a can of worms. Though the West sided with Israel citing right to self-defense, the killings of innocent civilians, majority being children and women left the world in horror.

But the United States and the United Kingdom didn’t tell Israel to stop. The West will surely be called out in the near future for siding with Israel and allowing genocide. Their unwavering support and blind trust in an apartheid state is appalling. Moreover, it reflects US and Britain’s failing foreign policy and struggle to remain dominant in a polarizing world.

Arab Countries Pushing Diplomacy

Realizing US’s stance with Israel, the Arab countries turned to diplomacy to quell the war. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East highlighted that the Palestinian cause, the Palestine-Israel conflict cannot be brushed under the carpet. Palestinians deserve and need compassion, understanding and representation.

Israel’s continuous bombardment of Gaza left the Arab world outraged. The UNSC failed to adopt a resolution for humanitarian ceasefire. And the world looked in horror as Israel defied all rules of war and international law. It has the backing of US, Britain and broader Europe after all.

The Arab countries turned to China. Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister, has been stepping up peacemaking efforts in Gaza. He met with Arab and Muslim officials on Monday and called for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian aid for Gaza. Egypt also praised the Chinese for peace efforts. Sameh Shoukry, Egyptian Foreign Minister, said the Arab countries are looking forward to stronger role on the part of great powers such as China in order to stop the attacks against the Palestinians in Gaza.”

China, Russia and Turkey have been bringing up the Gaza war on international platforms. The Chinese President Xi Jinping brought up the issue at the BRICS meeting. He said the root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli situation is the fact that the right of the Palestinian people to statehood, their right to existence and their right of return have long been ignored.

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The US has been following the war in the Middle East and doesn’t like being undermined by China or other countries. An expert said China just wants to jostle the US wherever it gets the chance. Nonetheless, China has pushed its image as an international mediator in the Middle East, normalized ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

A Nationals Security Council spokesman said the US has been actively engaged with countries in the Middle East, leading efforts to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance and urged Israel to restore access to water and electricity in Gaza. He added that President Joe Biden positively brokered a deal to enable the Rafah crossing to reopen.

However, more needs to be done. Palestine crisis needs to be resolved once and for all.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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