Saudi Arabia wildlife: Everything you need to know

saudi arabia wildlife

Saudi Arabia is home to a sizable and varied fauna. Saudi Arabia’s wildlife is a major draw for travelers. When visiting Saudi Arabia, visitors may witness some of the rarest creatures and birds in their natural habitat. 

Approximately 82,000 square kilometers of the nation’s territory are set aside for the conservation of wildlife. Visitors and environment enthusiasts can catch a glimpse of these untamed species in Saudi Arabia due to its vast territory and varied biodiversity.

Saudi Arabian Predators

Seeing the Arabian leopard is unquestionably one of the highlights of a Saudi Arabian safari experience for tourists. In Saudi Arabia, it is one of the most feared wild creatures. In the severe deserts of Saudi Arabia, the leopard feeds on everything and everything it can find.

Another hazardous species in the kingdom is the striped hyena, which is mostly found in the northern part of the country. They chase after prey such as wild boars and porcupines at startlingly fast speeds. Since they are primarily nocturnal and only venture outside in the dead of night, it is challenging to see one when on a safari.

The deadliest creatures in Saudi Arabia are a few venomous creatures, such as the Samsum ant, the Arabian Gulf sea snake, the Indian saw-scaled viper, and the deathstalker scorpion. They can all bite someone to death and have lethal venom. The Arabian fat-tailed scorpion and the camel spider are two other potentially harmful creatures found in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabian Endangered Animals

Numerous animal species have faced extinction throughout the years as a result of illegal poaching and environmental encroachment. The Arabian leopard is among the species that are severely endangered in Saudi Arabia. In 2006, a study found that just 200 of these leopards remained in the wild.

A fenced-in area called Mahazat as-Sayd Protected Area is home to the once-virgin Arabian oryx. Both mountain and goitered gazelles may be seen in the Uruq Bani Ma’arid protected area. 

Thanks to the government’s and local authorities’ efforts, the species has been spared from extinction and returned to the endangered list. Because of the National Center for Wildlife in Saudi Arabia‘s initiatives, the number of sand cats has also increased.

Golden jackals, honey badgers, and striped hyenas are among the other extinct creatures or in danger of going extinct soon. To preserve these species, the government has been actively pursuing breeding initiatives and conservation projects.

Prominent Wildlife

Among the most well-known animals in Saudi Arabia are the desert hedgehog, caracal, hamadryas baboon, and Arabian wolf. In Saudi Arabia, gulls, pelicans, larks, quails, and eagles are frequent birds. During the migration season, flamingos, storks, and swallows go to Saudi Arabia.

Famous wildlife parks in Saudi Arabia

1. Nofa Wildlife Park

nofa wildlife park

Some of the rarest and most deadly animal species may be found in this large park. When visiting the wildlife park, visitors may get up close and personal with these magnificent animals from a distance of only a few meters.

Predators like tigers and lions can be seen in the park. In addition, visitors may see eland, giraffes, ostriches, sables, and zebras. The park is open all year round for visits. From Saturday through Thursday, the park is open from 8.30 AM to 3.30 PM.

2. Oroug Bani M’aradh Wildlife Sanctuary

nofa wildlife park 1

This well-known wildlife refuge is situated in a Saudi Arabian protected region. Situated on the western edge of Rub’ al Khali, the biggest sandy desert in the world, the park features distinct zones for hunting and a core wildlife reserve.

Here live Arabian sand gazelles, Arabian oryx, Ruppell fox, and sand cat. The sanctuary is accessible every day. It is best to avoid evening visits because evenings might be a bit hectic.

3. At-Taysiyah Natural Reserve

nofa wildlife park 2

The Houbara bustards are the main attraction of this nature reserve, which lies northeast of Saudi Arabia. Popular attractions inside the reserve include its physical features, which include the steppe desert, dune regions, and shallow valleys.

Leading animal species in the nature reserve are gazelles, ostriches, and Arabian oryx. The nature reserve is accessible all year round. The morning and evening are the busiest periods.

Visitors to Saudi Arabia should make sure that their schedule includes a visit to parks and natural reserves. These parks provide visitors with an unparalleled look at Saudi Arabia’s wildlife while also educating them about animal protection and general knowledge.



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