Sudan’s Rapid Forces’ fierce fighting in Khartoum


Sudan’s military and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group are fighting in Khartoum against radical Islamists who hope to remove democracy from the country, according to the leader of Rapid Support Forces.

Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, the Vice President of Sudan, reportedly said that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) started to fight in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, to establish democracy in the country and put an end to crimes committed by Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman al-Burhan, a Sudanese army general who is the de facto ruler of Sudan.

Mohamed Hamdan Daglo wrote on Twitter, “The international community must take action now and intervene against the crimes of Sudanese General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, a radical Islamist who is bombing civilians from the air. His army is waging a brutal campaign against innocent people, bombing them with MiGs.”

Mohamed Hamdan Daglo claimed that RSF did not attack anyone and their actions were a response to the siege and assault against the RSF forces. He further wrote on Twitter, “We are taking every possible measure to ensure the safety and security of the people. We will do everything to protect democracy and uphold the rule of law in Sudan. We will prevail and achieve peace and stability.”

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Mohamed Hamdan Daglo is a former Janjaweed leader in Sudan. He is from the Rizeigat tribe of Darfur. Reportedly, he is one of the most powerful and richest men in Sudan. He has recruited more fighters from the country’s east and north to support the fighting in Sudan.

Recently, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo held a vital conversation with the United States (US) Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. They discussed pressing issues in Sudan. They agreed to establish peace in Sudan.

In 2019, RSF helped to remove Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir after months of demonstrations against his 30-year rule. Later on, Abdalla Hamdok was sworn in as Sudan‘s prime minister.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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