Middle East

Human Rights Groups Urge EU to End Trade Ties with Israeli Settlements

Trade with illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories should be prohibited, according to more than 160 NGOs, civil society organisations and trade unions. Ursula

Flag of Republic of turkey
News Politics

Defense Minister of Turkey criticizes the European mission IRINI in Libya

Turkish Defense Minister, Khulusi Akar, said on Friday that the mission EUNAVFORMED IRINI of the European Union, to monitor the arms embargo to Libya, is not in compliance with the international law and United Nations resolutions….

The politician also criticized the actions of the Greek authorities in relation to refugees trying to enter the territory of this country from Turkey. “Any disproportionate use
News World

Headline Erdogan discusses migration agreement with EU leaders

The EU and Turkey on March 9 discussed ways to address the shortcomings of the migration agreement between Brussels and Ankara on March 18, 2016.

At the same time, neither Sofia nor Athens has yet confirmed the penetration of a large number of illegal migrants on their territory.
News World

Erdogan opened the border for refugees. What EU should expect?

Erdogan claims that Turkish border guards allowed 76,000 migrants into the EU, while in Greece and Bulgaria these data do not yet confirm.  Ankara said