The Taliban attack radio stations, no music in Afghanistan

There are still winds of war in Afghanistan; after the complete abandonment of the territories by the international coalition for days, the attacks of the Taliban have intensified. This morning Islamic extremists took control of Zaranj, the capital city of the province of Nimruz in southwestern Afghanistan. The deputy governor of the region, Rohullah Gul Khairzad, reported a few hours ago.
In the southern provinces, jihadists blitz in the newsrooms. So armed, they occupy the media offices, purge the staff, kick out all the journalists and other female employees and change the schedule. In Afghanistan, music is again banned with the rise of the Taliban. In this context, the Afghan Ministry of Interior confirmed on Friday evening that the head of the government’s communications service was murdered during prayers in Kabul. The assassination came after the Taliban promised days ago to target executive officials.
“Unfortunately, the brutal and savage terrorists committed yet another cowardly act and killed an Afghan patriot who resisted enemy propaganda, Dawa Khan Menapal, during Friday prayers” in the capital, said ministry spokesman Mirwais Stanikzai in a WhatsApp message to the media.
Meanwhile, the British government of Boris Johnson promises asylum to any Afghan journalist forced to flee in the face of the Taliban threat, strengthened after the withdrawal of international security forces after 20 years of military presence in the country. No music and a lot of sharia. The radio scene in Afghanistan sounds like this again, at least in areas that have ended up in the hands of the Taliban. The bearded students claim the reconquest of “three-quarters of the country,” an exaggeration, even if the head of the American armed forces, Mark Milley, has admitted the fall of 219 districts out of 420, even if no provincial capital has yet surrendered.
The Taliban have captured the first capital of a province since they resumed their offensive in Afghanistan. Zaranj is an important commercial center in the province of Nimroz, in the southwest, on the border with Iran. Therefore, the extremists would target main cities, such as Herat in the west and Lashkar Gah in the south.
According to a government source, reported by BBC channels, the fighting is still going on around the office of the National Security Directorate. Instead, a Nimroz police spox reveals that the Taliban managed to control the city due to the lack of reinforcements. The rebelswouldalso take over the airport.
Some videos show some residents of the city looting the shops in the central market of Zaranj. Afghan security sources report that the clashes are still ongoing. The violence also triggered a mass escape from the city prison, but the authorities assured that the most dangerous prisoners had already been transferred to Kabul. The Zaranj fall marks an escalation in the strategy of the Taliban, which until now had limited itself to attacking rural areas.