Why Bahrain is Top 2 in the Arab World at Developing the Youth

why bahrain is top 2 in the arab world at developing the youth

Proudly placed second in the Arab World by the Global Youth Development Index (YDI) 2023 is the Kingdom of Bahrain. This distinguished position demonstrates how committed the country is to educating and empowering its youth.

The Leaders in Inclusion and Equality

Bahrain ranks as the most inclusive and equal country in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This accomplishment demonstrates the commitment of the nation to build a society in which every young person has the chance to prosper. Bahrain stresses equality and inclusion a lot with its many laws and programs designed to close gaps and ensure that young people from all backgrounds have access to social services, healthcare, and education. The development of a society where young people may thrive regardless of their socioeconomic situation depends on these initiatives.

Developing Employment Opportunities

As evidence of its strong environment for young employment, Bahrain also ranks #1 in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Employment & Opportunities. The country’s eleventh position ranking globally is a result of its aggressive policies for integrating young people into the workforce. Bahrain has implemented legislation encouraging young entrepreneurs, partnerships with private sector businesses to generate employment opportunities, and vocational training programs. Focusing on these areas, Bahrain is reducing young unemployment and promoting economic growth and innovation.

Investments in the Future

Bahrain’s youth are its backbone, says Bahrain Economic Development Board Chief of Strategy Nada AlSaeed. The Kingdom is showing that its initiatives to develop young people are functioning based on how it is performing on key YDI 2023 indicators. Many industries are affected by these spendings, including education, where STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) courses receive special focus to prepare young Bahrainis for the demands of the future job market. In addition, programs like as scholarships and international exchanges are developing abilities and introducing youth to other cultures.

Knowledgeable About IT and Future-Ready Workers

Young and tech-savvy people prepared to take on new challenges benefit Bahrain. A broad talent pool combined with highly qualified, multilingual Bahraini nationals offers a global perspective to businesses operating in the Kingdom. The young people of Bahrain are being trained for the digital economy through programmes that emphasize coding, digital literacy, and advanced technical skills. This readiness is necessary since the global economy is leaning more and more on digital innovations and solutions.

Participation in Society and Civic Life

Promoting young social and civic engagement is another important topic Bahrain is focusing on. The Kingdom supports volunteer work, community service, and citizenship. Participating in such activities makes young people feel more accountable and like they belong, which encourages cooperation and support amongst themselves. Furthermore, important are programs that teach public speaking and leadership skills since they prepare young people to take on leadership roles in their communities and the nation.

Welfare and Health

Ensuring the wellbeing and health of young people is Bahrain’s top concern. A lot of health programs have been implemented throughout the nation to promote the mental and physical health of young people. Among these are readily accessible medical procedures, campaigns to raise awareness of mental health, and athletics. Bahrain is looking after both physical and mental health to ensure that its young people are robust and healthy, able to make a good contribution to society.

Lifelong Education and Learning

Bahraini educational institutions are designed to promote continuous learning and development. The Kingdom has invested heavily on formal education and vocational training to ensure that young people have the skills needed to adapt to changing job markets. Bahrain is producing a dynamic workforce that, by providing opportunities for ongoing education and skill development, can meet challenges of the future.

Keep on Reading

Synopsis: A Hopeful Assessment of Youth Development

Bahrain has a calculated strategy to youth development that includes improving the lives of its children and enabling the Kingdom to keep growing economically and prospering. Leading the Arab World in youth development, Bahrain sets an example for other nations. The resilient, competent, and empowered young generation that the Kingdom is developing through its comprehensive and progressive policies will drive the nation’s future success. Maintaining investments in education, employment, health, and social inclusion, Bahrain is setting a high standard for youth development and ensuring a bright future for its young people.

Bahrain has taken steps that demonstrates even further how well-thought-out planning and targeted finance may create a favorable atmosphere for youth. Actual progress and opportunities for the youth of the nation are demonstrated by its performance on the Global Youth Development Index. It will need this focus on youth development to create a prosperous and sustainable future where the younger generation is prepared to lead and contribute to the nation. Bahrain is paving the way for other countries wishing to achieve similar outcomes in youth development by continuing to prioritize and assist its kids.



Sulaiman keeps an important eye on domestic and international politics while he has mastered history.

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