Azerbaijan and Morocco See Significant Trade Growth in Early 2025

Azerbaijan and Morocco experienced a 56% growth in total trade between January and February of 2025 when compared to the same two months of 2019, per Azerbaijan’s customs collection data. The upscaled partnership between Azerbaijan and Morocco happened following their second Morocco- Azerbaijan Joint Commission discussion in November 2023.
The two countries boost their economic alliance because they apply their strategic agreements that focus on energy development and transportation. Both Morocco and Azerbaijan have developed their relationship through the efforts of Foreign Ministers Nasser Bourita and Jeyhun Bayramov. The countries benefit more from business deals when they no longer need visas to visit each other. This agreement also helps grow cultural and tourism ties between them.
During his trip to Morocco, Fuad Muradov commended King Mohammed VI for how his nation treats immigrants and Moroccan people living abroad. Through continuing diplomatic talks both states prove their desire to extend their partnership from business interactions into culture and humanitarian assistance.