Arab Parliament Supports Libya Unity and Stability, Elections

Arab Parliament Supports Libya Unity and Stability, Elections

There’s growing pressure on Libya, a country split between two governments, to hold elections. The Arab Parliament supports the unity of Libya, its territorial integrity and lack of external interference in the country’s internal affairs.

Amid calls to hold elections, the North African country celebrated its 72nd independence on December 24. The speaker of the Arab Parliament Adel Al-Asoumi during his meeting with Libya’s Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States, Abdulmutallab Thabet, said the Libyan consensus on holding presidential and legislative elections will have a decisive role in achieving security, stability and development in the country.

He believes the Libyan parties will uphold the country’s highest interest in order to achieve the aspirations of the Libyan people for security, peace, stability and development. Al-Asoumi also touched on the efforts made by the Arab countries, and their tireless pursuit of settling the crisis in Libya.

When is Libya Election?

Presidential and parliamentary elections have been delayed for two consecutive years, and now for the third time. No countdown has been set.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), in an official statement, said the people of Libya hope to renew the legitimacy of their state institutions and set the country on a path to durable peace, stability and sustainable development. Libyans want to exercise their political right to vote in a safe and secure environment.

“Efforts to hold elections over the past two years have been marked by open-ended negotiations, procrastination and questionable intent, despite repeated calls from the UN Security Council on the need to reach a compromise, and the efforts of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Libya Abdoulaye Bathily.”

UNSMIL said Libya has in place a constitutional and legal framework for elections. “However, laws alone cannot lead to successful elections which can only take place when Libyan stakeholders are genuinely committed to creating the necessary conditions for their successful implementation.”

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Libya Will Not Be Divided

The Interim Prime Minister of Libya Abdul Hamid Dbeibah said Libya will not be divided and there can only be one state. He highlighted that he will only hand over power to a successor when elections are successfully held. “God brought me to head the government. I love this country and I am working for it and its people. My motto is ‘no to wars and conflicts’.

Dbeibah believes the Libyan parliament lost its legitimacy years ago. “We don’t want another period of transition.” The interim leader suggested a referendum be held over the constitution. “The people must decide who they want to lead them. We will accept any laws as long as they are fair.”



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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