Egypt Ramps Up Gas Development to Cut Import Reliance

Egypt Ramps Up Gas Development to Cut Import Reliance

The Ministry of Petroleum in Egypt has been following a fast-tracking approach to develop energy wells since Minister Karim Badawi confirmed his ministry’s plan.

The Ministry of Petroleum acts to develop unexplored gas deposits following recent success in persuading international oil and gas companies to increase their activities in Egypt. For the first half of the year 2024/2025 Egypt finished seven exploratory wells plus five gas field development projects that augmented daily gas production by 275 million cubic feet and gas condensate production by 7000 barrels.

Egypt aims toward large-scale development by organizing 14 wells and four projects during the latter half of the existing fiscal period. During 2025/2026 the $1.245 billion investment budget will fund seven projects and 24 wells with a projected daily output capacity of 630 million cubic feet. The country strongly expands its natural gas network which currently serves 104,000 kilometers to supply natural gas to 1.5 million additional households by 2025/2026.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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