Is Middle East Moving Towards Water And Food Scarcity Too?

Water crisis

Food and water are becoming pressing issues for the Middle East and Arab, a report has recently found out. The immediate day-to-day issues are now these and are said to be continuing to eclipse the broader climate change problems as well.

This is real and needs to be address as soon as possible for these countries that were heavily dependent on economic gains from oil sales only. The Arab Barometer research by Princeton University took data various nations after having spoken to more than 26000 people.

Issues also encircle increase in pollution and deteriorating quality of air. Another larger problem that covers all these issues is climate change, a true worry for the region’s public. But issues with a more immediate day-to-day impact are seeing to have a higher priority.

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A report outlining the survey, titled “Views on the Environment and Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa”, has been released before the start of the Cop27 summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

When asked what the biggest environmental challenge facing their country was, respondents in all nations ranked water issues (including pollution of drinking water, pollution of waterways and lack of water sources) higher than other concerns, with between 32 and 59 per cent of respondents highlighting them as their biggest concern.

In July, it was forecasted that temperatures across the Middle East would rise by 5ºC this century, which would prove catastrophic for food production and make parts of the region uninhabitable.

Polls have shown that indeed, people in many nations are worried about issues such as access to enough clean water “reflects the reality in large parts of the Middle East and North Africa”, seconds Mohamed Abufalgha, the report’s author and a senior research specialist at Princeton University speaking to a leading national daily in the Middle East.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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