Israel Recognizes Morocco’s Sovereignty over Western Sahara and Considers Opening Consulate


According to a statement issued by the Israeli prime minister’s office on Monday, Israel has made a historic milestone by formally recognising Morocco’s sovereignty over the contentious Western Sahara region. Following the declaration, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote a letter to King Mohammed VI of Morocco outlining Israel’s position. Concerns have been voiced concerning the move’s effects on the protracted Western Sahara conflict, local dynamics, and Israel’s international connections.

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Israel’s Recognition and Consideration of Consulate in Western Sahara

Israel’s acceptance of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara is a significant milestone in the ongoing territorial issue. While the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria, aims to establish an independent state, Morocco views Western Sahara as a vital part of its territory. Israel is also considering setting up a consulate in the Western Saharan city of Dakhla, according to the office of the Israeli prime minister. The establishment of consulates in the disputed area by other African and Arab states is a pattern that this action fits into. Morocco sees this as concrete evidence supporting its claim to Western Sahara.

International Repercussions and Responses

According to Morocco’s royal palace statement, the Israeli position on Western Sahara would be conveyed to the UN and regional and international organisations. Given that Spain and other key actors, such as the United States under the Trump administration, have already supported Morocco’s claims to Western Sahara, this development strengthens Morocco’s position. The position of Morocco has also been strengthened by the support of other European capitals for its agenda for the region.

It is anticipated that Israel’s acknowledgement of Morocco’s sovereignty will have more significant ramifications for the region. It might result in more Israeli money being invested in Western Sahara, opening up job prospects for the locals. Adding an Israeli defence attaché to Morocco also signifies a strengthening military partnership between the two countries. Since establishing diplomatic relations, Morocco and Israel have already inked several cooperation agreements, including a defence deal.

Assurance of Two-State Solution and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In response to Israel’s recognition, Morocco reiterates supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to the senior Moroccan government official cited by Reuters, Morocco is still committed to upholding its values to support an equitable and long-lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This explanation seeks to allay worries that acknowledging Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara may make Morocco’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue less solid.

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The possibility of Israel constructing a consulate in the area and its acknowledgement of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara has significant ramifications for the long-running territorial issue. While Morocco views this recognition as a welcome step and sees it as additional backing from the international community for its claim to Western Sahara, the action raises concerns about the conflict’s continuation and its potential effects on regional dynamics. The recognition is anticipated to increase bilateral collaboration between Israel and Morocco and attract Israeli investment in the region. How this event will affect the wider regional environment and current efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian issue is still unknown.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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