Israel Stops Visas to UN Employees, Covering Up For Hamas


Israel has taken a step further highlighting its frustration with the United Nations by stopping visas for the agency’s employees. The Israeli government slammed UN officials of deflecting blame onto Israel and covering up for Hamas.

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said the conduct of the UN, since October 7, is a disgrace to the organization and the international community. “I instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to extend the visa of one of the organization’s employees in Israel and to deny the visa request of another employee.”

Eylon Levy, Israel government’s spokesman, said they will consider visa requests from UN employees on a case-by-case basis rather than automatically. He accused the United Nations of covering up for Hamas, and failing to condemn the terror group for allegedly operating out of hospitals and stealing aid destined for civilians in Gaza.

“International officials have been deflecting blame onto Israel to cover up for the fact that they are covering up for Hamas in failing to condemn Hamas for hijacking aid and failing to condemn it for waging war out of hospitals.

Israel Accuses UN of Working with Hamas

“Israel will stop working with those who cooperate with the Hamas terror regime’s propaganda machine, and we urge our allies to do the same and stand up for basic integrity in the global institutions that should serve and not sabotage international security.”

In November, the Israeli foreign minister called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to resign for criticizing Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza. “Guterres does not deserve to lead the United Nations. Guterres did not promote any peace process in the region…Guterres, like all the free nations, should say clearly and loudly: ‘Free Gaza from Hamas’.”

Cohen also accused the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of disseminating unsubstantiated blood libels for publishing witness accounts of IDF troops allegedly executing military-age Palestinian men in front of women and children.

The UN continues to raise concerns about Israeli airstrikes targeting refugee camps, hospitals and residential areas in central Gaza.

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Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on Palestine, slammed Israel’s decision. She said baseless attacks against the UN only prove moral cowardice.

“The UN has been weakened by decades of Israeli impunity for breaches of international law, including colonization of occupied territories and Palestinian forced displacement. The UN must hold Israel to account if it is to salvage its reputation and purpose.”

The diplomat highlighted that without freedom for all there will be freedom for none. Albanese called for a ceasefire in Gaza, release of Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians, reconstruction and end of occupation of Palestinian territories.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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