Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu Confirms To Form A New Government

Israel's parliment

Veteran political leader Benjamin Netanyahu said that he had secured a deal to form a government in Israel, paving the way to return to power as the head of the country.

He reportedly wrote on Twitter, “I have managed.” He was referring to the coalition deal to form the government in Israel. He also called President Isaac Herzog to inform him about the deal. According to a statement from Netanyahu’s office, he called the President and said, “I have been able to establish a government in the country.” The President’s spokesperson confirmed that Netanyahu’s statement was received in the office.

The recent statement confirmed that Netanyahu’s Likud party and the main ultra-Orthodox political parties and members of the bloc that ran under the Religious Zionism alliance were able to make a deal in order to form a government in Israel.

Earlier this month, Likud, a major centre-right to the right-wing political party, reached a coalition deal with the far-right party. Netanyahu’s party said that Religious Zionism would be given three portfolios and authority over the West Bank under the new government.

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Netanyahu was given a 28-day mandate to form a government by Isaac Herzog. Netanyahu’s party and his alliance won during the November 1 election. He formed alliances with like-minded religious-nationalist parties. However, controversy over cabinet posts led to disputes among members of the alliance. Subsequently, the president asked Netanyahu to form the government.

The Likud party also signed its first coalition deal with the far-right Otzma Yehudit party that gave Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of the party, a seat in the security cabinet and an expanded national security ministry. However, the move was not welcomed by many political parties. The move also shocked Palestinians and many Israelis. It is not yet clear when the new government will be sworn in.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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