Israel says, to counter Iran’s threat, “we need to develop drones on a large scale”

It is no surprise that the Arab voter turnout hit an unprecedented 66 percent. This is simply more than the last election in September when the turnout was actually less than 60 percent.

Israel is planning to purchase and develop drones on a “gigantic” scale to expand its military edge over its foes – Iran and its partners – the military announced on Thursday.

“This arrangement will improve the lethality of the Israeli military, regarding exactness and decrease of the course of military campaigns,” armed force chief Aviv Avikom stated, unveiling the army’s 2020-2024 work programs.

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett endorsed the program entitled “Momentum” and presented it to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The program will next go to Israel’s security cabinet for consent.

A blueprint of the program shows that the defense establishment continues observing the Lebanese Shiite movement in Hezbollah, Palestinian extremist group Hamas and Iran’s al-Quds forces as its most grave threats.

Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus expressed that, “We have before us organizations which have the limit and structure of a military” and are getting ready for a “massive missiles against the citizen of Israel and its infrastructure.”

Israel presently depends on its Iron Dome missile defense to intercept short-range missiles launched primarily from the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian enclave constrained by Hamas, which has battled three battles with Israel since 2008.

A month ago, it stated it was building a new laser-based security system fit for neutralizing a wide range of threats.

According to Al Arabiya News, Conricus stated, “We will obtain a considerable measure (of drones) – developed and acquired… to be able to convey… precise capability against a foe that is entrenched in or embedded in an urban landscape.

Israel is, as of now, is one of the leading drone manufacturers in the globe besides the United States and China. Read more about arab politics news.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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