Israel’s High Court Ruling on Haredi Military Exemptions: A Deepening Crisis in the Government

Israel's High Court Ruling on Haredi Military Exemptions

Israel’s High Court has issued a ruling in a longstanding dispute over ultra-Orthodox military exemptions, further escalating tensions within the government. The court’s decision instructs a funding freeze for ultra-Orthodox educational institutions whose students are eligible for conscription. This move has sparked anger among Haredi parties in the government and raised the threat of a coalition crisis.

Impact of the Court’s Ruling

The High Court’s ruling, set to take effect on 1 April, freezes funds to yeshivot (religious schools) whose students qualify for conscription but have yet to enlist. This ruling is expected to affect approximately 50,000 yeshiva students. The court’s decision comes amid a government debate over a proposed bill that seeks to strike a compromise by allowing exemptions with limitations, a proposal vehemently opposed by Haredi parties.

Reactions from Political Parties

Haredi parties in the government, such as Shas and United Torah Judaism (UTJ), have reacted strongly to the ruling. They view it as an attack on their way of life and have criticised the government for not protecting their interests. On the other hand, the secular, centrist National Union party, led by former army chief of staff Benny Gantz, has threatened to quit the government if exemptions are not completely scrapped. This stark divide in opinions has created a political deadlock within the government.

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Escalating Tensions and Possible Outcomes

The ruling has intensified an already contentious issue, particularly in light of recent events, such as the war in Gaza, which has further fueled calls for all Jewish Israelis to serve in the military. The Haredi community, meanwhile, feels marginalized and targeted by the government’s actions. The situation remains fluid, with the government facing a deadline to draft a new law by 31 March. Failure to do so could lead to further instability within the coalition.

Israel’s High Court ruling on Haredi military exemptions has exacerbated tensions within the government, highlighting deep-seated divisions within Israeli society. The outcome of this dispute remains uncertain, but the issue of military conscription will continue to be contentious and divisive in Israeli politics.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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