Italy Firms Up Environmental Protection Law Into Its Constitution

Italy ItalyThe Italian government has now made protecting the environment an important part of their constitution. Voting was done by politicians and activists alike. The new law states that no any kind of private economic initiative should land up hampering the health of the environment.

Over the last 2 years, reduction in carbon emissions and sustainable practice has become the hotbed of debate for European nations. Many initiatives are being taken to ensure that both can become enmeshed with private and public sector manufacturing processes too. It is the state’s responsibility to safeguard the environment’s biodiversity and the ecosystem too.

There might be judicial repercussions of the new law. Meanwhile, WWF is ecstatic and would want the new rule to be adapted into mainstream as soon as possible. For Ecological Transition Minister Roberto Cingolani, the bill is indeed “an essential step” for Italy, as Rome moves to raise green investments to transform the economy under the European Union’s post-coronavirus pandemic recovery fund.

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“Finally, environment protection has become a fundamental principle of the republic, which future legislation must be inspired by and past legislation adapted to,” Italian WWF president Donatella Bianchi said in a statement. As a European country, Italy is taking this initiative as their active contribution to give back sustenance to the future generations. Keeping this in mind, the government has already chosen to invest more in circular economy projects.

Italy’s government has received 222 project proposals for the circular economy from private companies to improve environmental protection, the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition. This is a day after the environmental protection law was firmed up in the constitution. The ministry has confirmed that the proposals would involve 508 million euros (581 million U.S. dollars) from a budget of 600 million euros (686 million dollars) earmarked for such projects via the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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