Pakistan Neutralizes 12 Afghani Terrorists in Fierce Border Clash

pakistan neutralizes 12 afghani terrorists in fierce border clash

Two Pakistani posts in the mountainous Kalash border with Afghanistan were infiltrated by a large group of terrorists. 4 Pakistani soldiers and 12 terrorists were killed in the fierce border clash at 5,480 feet. 

The Tehrik-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the deadly attack, saying its fighters inflicted heavy casualties on Pakistani soldiers and seized their weapons. Pakistan confirmed the attack. “A large group of terrorists equipped with the latest weapons, attacked two Pakistani military posts located closer to the Pakistan Afghanistan border in general area Kalash, District Chitral.” 

It said four soldiers, who fought bravely and repulsed the attacks, were martyred. “During the fire exchange, 12 terrorists were sent to hell, while a large number of the militants were critically injured. Security forces of Pakistan are determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism and such sacrifices of our soldiers further strengthen our resolve. The brave people of Chitral also stand firmly with the security forces in restricting the terrorists from running the peace of the area.” 

The attack comes days after General Asim Munir said Pakistan cannot be coerced by cowardly tactics of the terrorists who held misbelief that they can challenge the iron resolve of the soldiers and writ of state. He said the nation has fought for long and will continue to fight the menace of terrorism till the end. 

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In the last week, TTP claimed to have launched a grand operation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s Chitral district. A spokesperson for the banned outfit said the group captured many villages in the district that shares a border with Kunar, Nuristan and Badakhshan province of Afghanistan. 

Islamabad reiterated its call to the Taliban-led Afghan government to fulfill its obligations and deny the use of Afghan soil by terrorists for terrorizing Pakistan. 

Crossfire Over CheckPoint

Meanwhile, Pakistan and Afghan forces exchanged fire at Torkham. Minutes before the crossfire, the border security officials had held a meeting. Though not confirmed, the meeting may have been about Afghan authorities building a checkpoint on their side in a prohibited area, close to the main border crossing. Pakistani officials say Afghanistan already has a checkpoint, commonly called Larram Post. But now they are building another post over a small hill without discussing the same with Pakistan. 

The crossfire brought the key border crossing to a halt, stranding hundreds of trucks carrying goods on both sides. No casualties have been reported.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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