Lybia , Erdogan , UN, EU
Middle East News

EU launches IRINI operation to impose the arms embargo on Libya, violated by Erdogan

As part of efforts to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya, the European Union (EU) announced on Tuesday the launch of the EUNAVFOR MED

The Libyan crisis parties presented a draft ceasefire agreement stipulating that the United Nations oversee the safe return of civilians displaced by the fighting. The United Nations
Middle East News

Syrian fighters in Libya to their comrades in Turkey: “Don’t come, it’s certain death

From early January to today, Turkish President and head of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist movement Recep Tayyip Erdogan has transferred thousands of Syrian fighters to

Middle East News

Libya: the first case of coronavirus and escalation of the conflict

On Wednesday, intense bombardment shocked the Libyan capital when new battles began around Tripoli just a few hours after Libya announced its first case of

Lybia War , syria
Middle East News

Fighting continue in Libya despite the coronavirus global emergency

The appeals of the international community are urged to end hostilities and allow local authorities to respond to COVID-19 Following the International call for an

The Libyan newspaper “Al-Adwan” reported that what some media reports mentioned in this regard is a slander.
Middle East News World

The Libyan National Army denying Haftar’s visit to Damascus.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan National Armys’ office denied what was circulated about Field Marshal Khalifa Hifter’s visit to Syria, stressing that these reports are

By Victoria Hudson. A delegation of Libyan Interim Government, based in Benghazi, flew to Damascus for an official visit. Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad received on Monday Abdul Rahman Al-Ahirish, Deputy Prime Minister and Abdul-Hadi Al-Hawaij, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to discuss the latest developments in Libya and Syria,
Middle East News

Libya Interim Government to open an Embassy in Damascus to hinder the Ottoman rise

A delegation of Libyan Interim Government, based in Benghazi, flew to Damascus for an official visit. Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad received on Monday Abdul Rahman