“The Zone of Interest” has the danger of atrocities, including Gaza.

the zone of interest has the danger of atrocities, including gaza.

The Oscars, Hollywood’s most glamorous night, have a tradition of punctuated seriousness with poignant political speeches. These moments, often disrupting the bubble of glitz and self-congratulation, evoke a spectrum of reactions. While some hail them as powerful cultural interventions, others critique them as egoistic intrusions onto a stage meant for celebration.

Jonathan Glazer’s Speech and Lasting Impact

Jonathan Glazer’s recent speech at the Academy Awards is poised to become one of these enduring moments. His acceptance speech for his film, which draws inspiration from the horrors of Auschwitz, went beyond the customary expressions of gratitude. Instead, Glazer used the platform to shed light on the characters depicted in his work. Rather than portraying them as archetypal monsters, he humanized them as ordinary individuals navigating life in the shadow of profound evil. This approach, depicting the banality of evil, not only challenges traditional narratives but also forces viewers to confront uncomfortable truths about complicity and the normalization of atrocities.

Addressing Contemporary Debates and Criticism

Glazer’s speech also delved into ongoing debates surrounding the remembrance of the Holocaust and the actions of present-day Israel. By portraying characters who grapple with the normalization of profound evil, Glazer highlights the complexities of historical memory and its intersection with contemporary politics. Despite facing criticism and misrepresentation, Glazer remained steadfast in his convictions. He challenged the audience to reconsider their understanding of victimhood and to confront the ways in which trauma can be weaponized to justify present-day atrocities.

Contrasting Seriousness with Frivolity

The juxtaposition of Glazer’s solemn speech with the subsequent lighthearted segment of the Oscars underscored the challenges of addressing weighty issues amidst the glitz and glamor of Hollywood’s most prestigious awards ceremony.

As Glazer’s message lingered in the air, the transition to frivolity served as a stark reminder of the disconnect between the world of celebrity and the harsh realities of the world beyond the red carpet. This contrast highlighted the complexities of engaging with serious political issues within the context of an event known for its spectacle and extravagance.

Keep Reading

Jonathan Glazer’s speech at the Oscars represents a significant moment in the intersection of art, politics, and popular culture. By challenging traditional narratives and confronting uncomfortable truths, Glazer forces us to reckon with the complexities of historical memory and its implications for the present.

While his speech may have been just one moment in a night of glitz and glamor, its impact is likely to be felt for years to come, sparking conversations and debates about the role of artists in addressing the pressing issues of our time



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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