Turkey gets most nominations for the esteemed Sheikh Hamad awards


The eighth edition of the renowned competition’s nominees have completed the first round of screening, according to the Qatar-based Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding. According to the award’s spokesman Hanan Al Fayyad, there were nominations from 29 countries, with Turkey having the most.

Al Fayyad disclosed that individuals and translation organisations from Qatar, Turkey, Spain, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Kuwait, Germany, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Niger, South Africa, the Sultanate of Oman, Syria, Palestine, France, Lebanon, Canada, the Netherlands, Libya, Egypt, New Zealand, as well as from the United States, Italy, Tunisia, Niger, South Africa, the Sultanate of Oman, Syria

In terms of the nations with the most nominations, Turkey came in first, followed by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Morocco, Iraq, and Jordan. The Turks delivered the list of nominees before the Egyptians, Saudis, Syrians, Iraqis, and Jordanians in terms of nationality.

Al Fayyad praised the increasing interest of Turks in Arabic culture in recent years, particularly in light of the rise in the number of Arab communities in Türkiye, as well as the growing understanding in academic and cultural circles of the importance of deepening knowledge of the other, especially given that Türkiye and the Arab world share a common history.

She emphasised that the nominations signalled the continuation of the human knowledge process and the growing interest in this committee. The translation movement continues to be a dynamic field and an unbroken link across civilizations.

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She went on to say that the books that were nominated came from a variety of human sciences subjects, including Islamic studies, literature, philosophy, history, and social and political sciences. The awards ceremony will take place on January 29 in Doha, Qatar, as a corollary to the Translation and Intercultural Problems Conference, which runs from January 28 to 29.

Winners will receive awards totaling $2 million at the ceremony, with $200,000 going to each of the five categories. It is the second time translations from Arabic to Turkish and vice versa have been recognised with awards.

Al Fayyad explained that the decision to classify Turkish as a second language was made since there are many translations between the two languages. She emphasised that the award, which was created in 2015, aims to recognise translators and value their contributions to fostering friendship and cooperation between the peoples and nations of the world, fostering creativity, upholding lofty ideals, and promoting diversity, pluralism, and openness as well as the growth of global understanding.

Arabic to English and English to Arabic translations are among the other kinds. Awards for excellence will be given out at the presentation to translators of Bahasa, Kazakh, Romanian, Swahili, and Vietnamese into and from Arabic.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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