Turkey Wants to Strengthen Defense Ties with Egypt

turkey egypt

After restoring relations with Egypt at the highest diplomatic level, Turkey is keen to strengthen ties in the defense industry with Cairo. For the first time in 10 years, the two countries appointed ambassadors, a positive development applauded in the region and the world.

Turkey and Egypt relations deteriorated significantly following the 2013 military coup that ousted freely-elected Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. Ankara didn’t recognize the legitimacy of the new regime led by General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Relations began to take a positive turn in mid-2020 when Egypt showed strength in geopolitical and economic dynamics. When Turkey was hit was an earthquake earlier this year, Egypt was one of the first to give a helping hand. Experts said disaster diplomacy opened a window of opportunity for both countries to resume the rapprochement process and upgrade it.

Now, Turkey is seeking opportunities to transfer its capabilities to Egypt.

Turkey – Egypt Ancient Friends

Celal Sami Tufekci, Turkey’s Deputy National Defense Minister, Turkey considers Egypt as its ancient

friend. “We coexisted for 400 years alongside the Ottoman Empire. In recent times, there had been stagnation in our relations due to some political developments, but a revival is once again on the horizon.

“We attach great importance to Egypt. We are seeking opportunities to transfer our capabilities to Egypt, a friendly and allied country, and from there to other African nations. Our Egyptian friends and counterparts also express the same thing. Hopefully, if we establish good relations, we will carry the power and voice of the Turkish defense industry here as well.”

Turkey and Egypt believe a robust strategic approach founded on mutual respect, common interests, and genuine intentions holds the potential to contribute significantly to upholding security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

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Strengthening Defense Ties

Tufekci said great opportunities await Turkey and Egypt in naval platforms, the ammunition industry and its production lines, land vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, manned platforms, and aircraft. Mustafa Murat Seker, vice president of Turkey’s Defense Industry Agency, said Turkey hopes to develop its defense industry ties with Egypt.

“This would be an opportunity for us. In that sense, we want to utilize this environment. We paid a visit here a month ago, on a special visit. There, we had already discussed potential issues with the Egyptian authorities. In that framework, we directed our companies and they ensured their participation here (EDEX). Before the exhibition, we actually held a mutual meeting, and we went over those potential issues together with the Egyptian authorities, in which our companies participated.”



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