What to know about Saudi Arabia’s new social media influencer permit

Saudi Arabia

Saudi arabia Saudi arabiaThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has launched a new licensing system to monitor the influencer industry in the country. The new regulations are helpful to provide legal protections to social media influencers.

The new law will take effect in October. Every Saudi and non-Saudi content creator in the country who earns revenue through advertising on the internet has to first apply for an official permit from the General Commission for Audiovisual Media (GCAM), the government organisation responsible for the development, regulation, and supervision of audio-visual media transmission and content in the Kingdom. GCAM will ensure transparency between social media influencers and their clients.

More people in Saudi Arabia have started using the internet for various purposes. Reportedly, 28.6 per cent of people in Saudi Arabia use the internet to know more about their favourite celebrities and social media influencers.

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What is the fee for the permit?

Social media content creators have to pay a fee of SR15,000 to obtain the permit. They will receive a permit for three years. During this time, they can work with various private entities and promote any product or service, as long as it does not violate the country’s laws or values.

Esra Assery, CEO at GCAM, reportedly said, “The market is so unregulated. We’re not against influencers or those individuals. Actually, we want to help them.”

Saudi influencers, whether based in their own country or abroad, have to apply for a permit if they wish to work with a brand.

How to obtain the permit?

After applying to the Ministry of Investment for a permit to work in Saudi Arabia, social media influencers can then apply for an influencer permit through GCAM, the parent department of the Ministry of Media.

Earlier in June, GCAM announced the ban on posting ads on social media without a license. GCAM announced the ban after finding violations by various non-Saudi advertisers on the internet.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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