Who is Ahed Tamimi? IDF Arrests Palestinian Activist

Who is Ahed Tamimi? IDF Arrests Palestinian Activist

Just days ago, Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi threatened Israel settlers that Palestinians will slaughter the Jews of Judea and Samaria, from Hebron to Jenin on social media – Instagram. Now, the IDF has arrested her for “inciting terrorism”.

The arrest came after a round of overnight raids and righting in the occupied West Bank. This was confirmed by Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who congratulated and praised the Israeli Defense Force on Facebook.

“Kudos to the IDF and the rest of the security forces who arrested the terrorist and human rights activist Ehad Tamimi Manbi Saleh, who was previously convicted of attacking IDF soldiers and since the outbreak of the war, has expressed sympathy and support for the Nazi human beings on social media.”

Ben-Gvir said zero tolerance with terrorists and supporters of terrorism. “Just like that!”

Ahed Tamimi Being Questioned

Ahed Tamimi was arrested near Ramallah on suspicion of inciting violence and terrorist activities. Nariman Tamimi, the activist’s mother, told Anadolu news agency that Israeli forces searched their house and confiscated their mobile phones. Last week, the 22-year-old’s father Bassem Tamimi was arrested by Israeli forces during a raid.

Ahed Tamimi is a said to be a Palestinian Authority Arab. She has been arrested for her alleged Instagram post – “Our message to the herds of settlers is: We are waiting for you in all cities of the West Bank, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood and we will eat your skulls. Come on, let’s go, we’re waiting for you.”

Nariman rejected claims that her daughter had written the post. “There are dozens of online pages in Ahed’s name with her photo, with which she has no connection.”

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The young fearless activist emerged as an icon of Palestinian resistance in 2012 with her video, confronting an Israeli soldier going viral. However, this isn’t her first time to be arrested. She was taken in by the Israeli Army in 2017 for confrontation.

Ahed Tamimi was jailed for eight months for assault, incitement and past incidents of stone-throwing.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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