Why Covid-19 Has Opened a Pandora Box Full Of Diseases


Covid-19 has just been the beginning and this has become more evident as new kinds of diseases are hitting the Middle East as much as other parts of Africa as well. Its like a pandora’s box full of problems that has been set free. Iraq is struggling against the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever. Right now, there is no vaccine to cure this disease that could lead to bleeding and hemorrhages.

After the monkey pox fear, the new one troubling Iraq for example is a new virus which is transmitted by ticks in cattle. Government is having to immunize cattle in large scale. It had first been seen growing in 1950s. Now, it has reoccurred. Pakistan was faced with a bad bout of polio. So is spread of bird flu.

Last week, Saudi authorities banned poultry imports from France because of concerns over bird flu. While the disease can on rare occasions spread to people, the biggest threat it poses today is to the world’s already vulnerable food situation. With the war in Ukraine, supply chains and inflation affecting prices and availability globally, a widespread illness among livestock could be catastrophic.

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Hundreds of acute hepatitis cases of unknown origin have been recorded in May, with more than 160 in the UK, a serious threat to babies, children and adolescents. Similar instances are being observed in wider Europe and the US. Meningitis B, also a deadly risk for young people, has spiked among British university students, too.

Low immunity, bad distribution of vaccines and general careless handling of animals used for meat consumption has put human life to grave risks. Animals are being reared in huge numbers, culled and being used for meat. This has become disastrous as it is affecting the health of animals and resulting in ill health in human beings too.

It is worth noting that under the lockdown conditions, human beings didn’t really become healthier. They should have; but they didn’t. It is imperative that solutions found are cross country and global in nature. Covid-19 has reduced immunity and therefore made humans susceptible to other diseases too. It is not enough to be immunized but to remain vigilant is also very important.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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