Why Dissolution Of Security Council Will Not Form A Government in Sudan

Security Council

Sudan SudanSudan’s military leader Gen Abdel Fattah Al Burhan has suddenly decided to dissolve the Sovereign Council. There were five members who were giving marching orders. Al Burhan has now asked for a new government to be put into place so that the council can be replaced.

There is also indication that Gen Al Burhan announced the military’s withdrawal from internationally led efforts to resolve the political crisis plaguing Sudan since a military coup last October.

Next on line is an assemble of ‘independent technocrats’- that is something that Gen Al Burhan has urged political and revolutionary groups to start in order to form a government. This would do away with the destruction caused at the democratic transition derailed by the October 25 coup he led.

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The remaining eight members of the Sovereign Council are made up of five generals and three leaders of rebel groups that signed a peace deal with them nearly two years ago. With the military withdrawal, things have not been stable. The UN, African Union and the regional IGAD group – said in a statement that the military’s withdrawal has effectively terminated the negotiations and that they would consult with civilian stakeholders on a new formula to replace it.

Military seemed to be doing well for the country. So, when military had withdrawn, Gen Al Burhan’s proposals seemed to have failed to persuade the opposition to halt its anti-military demonstrations, with several sit-in protests now under way in the capital Khartoum and the city of Wad Madani to the south. His intend was to let civilians this time, choose their government.

“Al Burhan’s address did not return the military to the barracks. On the contrary, it placed the military above everyone else with the [proposed] supreme council of the armed forces,” Sudan’s former information minister Faisal Mohammed Saleh wrote on Wednesday on his Facebook page. People want justice and those responsible for killings in the coup to be held responsible. Government comes after all that.



Roshan Amiri is an advocate for the truth. He believes that it's important to speak out and fight for what's right, no matter what the cost. Amiri has dedicated his life to fighting for social justice and creating a better future for all.

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