Afghanistan, Taliban car bomb attack kills two professors in Kabul

Afghanistan _Kabul

For Afghan fanatics all citizens are dangerous, anyone who can support his opinion, who contests the dogmatic reading of Islam and their falsehoods, anyone who could one day be part of a ruling class linked to the rule of law and not to the fundamentalism. And therefore, in Afghanistan, the massacre of civil society does not end. Yesterday it was the turn of Mubashir Muslimyar, a professor of Islamic law at the Kabul University, to be torn apart in the wreckage of his car, when a homemade bomb attached with a magnet to the floor of the engine exploded, killing another teacher whose name is still unknown.

It is not clear whether the murdered teacher was condemned for some specific less orthodox reading of the Holy Scriptures, or perhaps the condemnation of fundamentalist practices such as suicide attack, which a large section of scholars find unacceptable. Instead, what is evident is the Taliban’s approach: wipe out an entire political class, that core of educated bourgeoisie, professionals, journalists, activists, senior officials linked to an idea of the state that only partially corresponds to the projects of the Caliph repeatedly put-on paper by the Koranic students in Afghanistan.

The silence after the murders is a clear claim, just as the indiscriminate attacks against the Hazara’s Shiite community bear the signature of Isis-Khorasan, so the targeted assassinations of civil society are part of the Taliban strategy, conceived in all probability by Mullah Yacoub, son of the founder, Mullah Omar, and the organization leader, as well as financial manager. If Isis focuses on sectarian terror and destabilization, the Taliban are instead determined to cancel any possible interlocutor even before it takes place within a political mechanism acceptable to all. Since the beginning of February, 340 people have been killed or injured in attacks, especially in the capital Kabul.

The certainty of Western withdrawal, guaranteed by the commitment of Zalmay Khalilzad in the name and on behalf of Donald Trump, has become a general safe-conduct for the Taliban, if not a license for indiscriminate massacre. And barring a courageous change from the new American administration, the road is marked: without external support, the Afghan forces will hardly be able to withstand the impact of the fundamentalists. After twenty years of casualties, immense expenses, hopes, and dreams of normality, let’s get ready to see again, on the news, images of overloaded helicopters, as during the escape from Saigon.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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