AU Wants to Create Atlantic Cooperation Organization

AU Wants to Create Atlantic Cooperation Organization

The 12th Atlantic Dialogues emphasized the promotion of Atlantic cooperation to bring about economic and social development which is important for the countries in the southern Atlantic. The Atlantic Cooperation can provide a coordinated response to challenges such as climate transition and contribute to peace and security in the region.

Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of Nigeria, believes South Atlantic will be able to benefit itself and the world at large shall promote South-South Atlantic cooperation and togetherness. He said the South Atlantic needs to go fast to catch up and be sure not to lag behind.

Obasanjo, who is also the African Union (AU) High Representative for the Horn of Africa, called for the establishment of an Atlantic Cooperation Organization. He wants this organization, which would be for peace, security and development, to be started in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Atlantic Cooperation Organization

The African leader said Morocco from Africa and Brazil from Latin America can lead this initiative. This organization can become a strong and influential voice on the world stage. Luis Osvaldo Hurtado Larrea, former president of Ecuador, said the South Atlantic can promote its intra cooperation to actively shape and influence international geopolitical dynamics to ensure representation and address imbalances in the global decision-making process.

He believes it can tackle the intercontinental framework that could highlight and advance Southern perspectives and interests. Larrea highlighted the importance of economic partnership through the signing of Free Trade Agreements to boost intra-regional cooperation. He said countries in the Global South have new opportunities, a crucial opening to assert their newfound position for a more inclusive and balanced equilibrium.

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Morocco Committed to Atlantic Cooperation

King of Morocco Mohammed VI is committed to promote regional integration among African countries bordering the Atlantic. He urged for the development of port and fisheries infrastructure and African maritime fleets, and stressed the need to help landlocked nations in the Sahel access the ocean.

The monarch also emphasized the need for re-engineering the Atlantic geopolitical space at the African level, including the Moroccan Sahara coast. Mohammed VI wants to transform the Atlantic region into a space for human interaction and economic integration, and for it to play key roles at continental and international levels.



Ahmed Kane is an entertainment reporter who loves to cover the latest news in the world. He's passionate about bringing people the latest and greatest in entertainment.

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