Euro-Mediterranean Community Push for Peace in Gaza

arab barcelona

Arab Countries and the European Union want a permanent ceasefire in Gaza at the Euro-Mediterranean meeting in Barcelona. They are pushing for peace at the high-level political dialogue on a war in Gaza that threatens to spread throughout the Middle East. Leaders of EU countries, Middle East and North African countries are focused on diplomatic efforts to stop the Israel-Hamas war.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan, the Saudi Foreign Minister, said more destruction is the only sure result of the war. The means radicalization and further conflict at the expense of Palestinian lives and regional security. “Since this crisis erupted, we have been clear on condemning all the targeting of civilians in any form. On both sides.”

However, there’s division in the meeting with some Arab countries not recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself after Hamas attack on October 7, and some European countries like Germany reluctant to ask the Israeli government for a ceasefire and calling out the IDF for killing of civilians.

Peace and Security in Gaza

Palestinian politician Riad al-Maliki said there is a need to apply the necessary pressure for the Israeli government not to continue killing innocent people. He warned that any resumption of the war by Israel would quickly lead to more deaths in a conflict that has already killed more than 15,000 people.

Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, believes the four-day truce deal between Israel and Hamas should be extended. It should evolve into a permanent ceasefire. “The pause should be extended to make it sustainable and long-lasting while working for a political solution. A prolonged ceasefire that allows more hostages to be released, and that evolves towards a permanent ceasefire linked to a political process, is something we have consensus on.” Borrell highlighted that failing to do so would make Gaza fertile ground for violence and extremism.

The respective leaders stressed the return to the path of just, lasting, and comprehensive peace through the implementation of international resolutions related to the two-state solution. The EU and Arab countries want the Palestine people to obtain their legitimate rights to establish an independent and sovereign Palestinian state as per the agreement on June 4, 1967 – with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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Differences Over Conflict in Gaza

Jordan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi urged leaders at the meeting to back a two-state solution that would recognize a Palestinian state. “Today, we came for a very open, very frank, very blunt conversation. We agreed and we disagreed. Some of our colleagues still call the killing of 15,000 Palestinians, the destruction of over 160,000 homes, the complete devastation of hospitals, the denial of food, water, fuel, medicine, is self-defense. We call it blatant aggression.”

Meanwhile, calls for a two-state solution is growing louder and Israel cannot block it out as its biggest ally, the United States also wants a resolution.



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