GCC Countries Welcome Iran, President Raisi Condemns West

gcc countries welcome iran president raisi condemns west

There’s a new dawn in the Middle East as countries strive for peace and de-escalation of conflicts in the region, and Iran is at the heart of this. Considerable efforts have been made to normalize relations with Iran. 

As countries welcomed diplomatic engagement by Saudi Arabia and other GCC states with Iran, ministers highlighted the importance of staying in line with international law and the UN Charter. The respective states renewed their commitment for ensuring freedom of navigation in the region, including maritime security. 

They discussed tackling illegal actions which threaten shipping and international trade. The ministers urged Iran to stop proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other weapons that pose security threats to the region. 

Iran President Wants Regional Stability

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, at the UN General Assembly in New York, condemned West’s meddling in the Middle East. He claimed the Western powers were undermining stability in the region and that Western intelligence agencies were moving terrorists across the region in a targeted fashion. 

Raisi told world leaders that surgical use of terrorists by certain western governments as a political tool will be overcome by the collective will of the people. 

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Moreover, he accused the United States of so-called “foreign meddling” in neighboring countries and cited Afghanistan as an example. President Raisi believes an independent and robust neighborhood is an opportunity for the region. 

Raisi Wants Independent Palestine

In regards to Israel, he emphasized the need to recognize Palestinian statehood and withdraw Israeli troops and settlements from Palestine. The Iranian leader told the UN General Assembly that Iran is regarded as a “secure partner” by countries in the Middle East, while Israel is seen as a “perpetrator” of much of the violence in the region. 

Raisi asked the world leaders whether time had not yet come to put an end to seven and a half decades to the occupation of Palestinian lands, of the demolition of their homes, and of the blood of Palestinian women and children, and for Palestine to be officially recognized as a country.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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