Hezbollah Fires Over 100 Rockets at Israel After Deadly Airstrikes in Lebanon

hezbollah fires over 100 rockets at israel after deadly airstrikes in lebanon

In a significant escalation of tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border, the militant group Hezbollah claimed responsibility for firing more than 100 Katyusha rockets at several Israeli military posts on Tuesday. The rocket barrage was a direct response to Israeli shelling of the Bekaa region in eastern Lebanon the previous night, which left at least one civilian dead and several others injured.

The Israeli strikes targeted the eastern Lebanese city of Baalbek, with one strike hitting the southern entrance, just over a mile from the ancient Roman ruins. Three other strikes were reported near the city of Taraya, about 12 miles west of Baalbek.

Israeli Airstrikes Broaden in Scope

While Israeli airstrikes have predominantly focused on the southern border region of Lebanon, a Lebanese security source revealed to Reuters that the strikes have edged further north in recent weeks, signalling a broadening of Israel’s campaign against Hezbollah and other militant groups operating within Lebanese territory.

The tit-for-tat escalation between Hezbollah and Israel has raised concerns about the potential for a wider conflict erupting in the region. Both sides have exchanged fire across the border in recent months, but the latest rocket barrage and airstrikes mark a significant intensification of hostilities.

Civilian Casualties and Damage

The Israeli strikes on Baalbek and Taraya have reportedly resulted in civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure. Bashir Khader, the governor of Baalbek, confirmed to Reuters that at least one civilian was killed, and several others were injured in the strikes.

Local residents and eyewitnesses reported hearing loud explosions and seeing plumes of smoke rising from the targeted areas. The extent of the damage caused by the Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israeli military posts is still being assessed.

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Escalation Risks and International Concerns

The escalating tensions between Hezbollah and Israel have raised alarm bells among international observers, who fear that the situation could spiral out of control and lead to a broader regional conflict.

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has called for restraint from both sides and urged them to engage in dialogue to defuse the situation. However, the deep-rooted hostilities and long-standing animosities between Hezbollah and Israel make a diplomatic resolution challenging.

As the situation unfolds, the international community will be closely monitoring developments and working to prevent further escalation. Regional powers and allies of both sides may also become involved, either through mediation efforts or by providing support to their respective partners.

The latest round of violence serves as a stark reminder of the fragile security situation along the Lebanon-Israel border and the ever-present risk of a wider conflict erupting in the region.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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