Iran announced two-day air defence drill in central desert area


Iran IranDisplaying massive game of power, Iran announced yesterday that they have kicked off a two-day air defense drill in central desert area. The report shared by Defence Mininstry stated that the army and the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard were taking part in the annual maneuvers dubbed “Velayat.” They further added that all the units including, elite air force, air defense units and Guard’s airspace division would do participation.

It is noted that this is not the first time that Iran is holding the drill, they are known to organize such drills on regular basis as they assess the troops’ combat readiness and demonstrate the nation’s military capabilities to the world.

Last month in October itself, Iran held a drill near its border with Azerbaijan. This helped to tighten and deepen the relations between Azerbaijan and Israel in the recent months. During the air missile drill, all the military commanders aimed to closely replicate war, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles and launched missiles against ground targets in order to test the performance of air defence and radar systems. Rather it was also observed that hundreds of missiles were being launched from locally manufactured air defence systems as well.

Brigadier General Qader Rahimzadeh, who is the commander-in-chief of the Khatam al-Anbia base, asserted that the IRGC’s 3rd Khordad missile defence system and the army’s 15th Khordad system had been deployed as part of the exercise, in addition to other Iranian electronic and cyber warfare equipment.

Taking a step further, there have been discussions in Vienna, which aim at restoring Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and other world key leaders have been waiting to re-negotiate the Nuclear deal amidst nations and come back stronger.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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