What is the reason behind the tussle between Iran-Azerbaijan?

Iran– The situation between Iran and Azerbaijan has been at odds since quite sometime now. The issue majorly involved enthic groups, tribes and regional differences where Iran is stepping up its military operation in areas that are closer to the border of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan has been the centre of a lot of violence since September 27 last year when there were conditions of a potential war with Armenia over their geography. Some countries openly extended their support to Armenia and Iran was one of them. Iran has since then came forward to further express its displeasure.
Earlier this month too, Iranian state media showed images of the armed Iranian forces conducting large scale military operations in the northeastern side of the country, which is where ethic Azerbaijan tribe lives. Following this, Azerbaijan too joined hands with Turkey to conduct joint drills on October 3 in Nakhchivan, an area close to iran.
The latest developments between the two nations shows that things are getting worse and the crisis will be solved anytime soon. The reason why Iran has taken extreme steps towards Azerbaijan is allegedly because of the mistreatment of Iranian trucks passing through Azerbaijan and going to Armenia.
These truck drivers are reportedly facing a lot of issues and are threatened for their lives by the Azerbaijan officials. The officials have also been imposing heavy taxes on these Iranian trucks and the reports from the same begin doing rounds earlier in August.
A Malaysian professor, Professor Olsi Jazexhi, also said that Azerbaijan is trying to close the gate for Iran to trade with Armenia. “Armenia was a safe country where Iran could trade and get access to the outside world, but now Azerbaijan is trying to close the gate.”
Armenia is only among the few countries with which Iran can trade. Due to the sanctions imposed by the United States, Iran is restricted when it comes to free trade but has a few players for itself and Armenia is one of them.
On papers it would look like Azerbaijan should not have tension with a nation like Iran that considers itself as conservative isalmist nation. The two also fall under only four of the Shia majority countries. Azerbaijan has favoured Turkey over time and that has given it a slight edge in the region as well as internationally.
Turkey has been always actively promoting its ‘open’ mentality giving it an edge over Iran in the area. “Turkey proclaims its support for Azerbaijan in the name of pan-Turkism,” said the professor.
Till now, it is well established that Turkey has been surviving its way into the region due to the middle east politics with the western countries. Turkey dominates in that department and the transaction relation between Azerbaijan and Turkey are a result of this particular development.
Despite the activities that Iran has been carrying out within its borders, one thing remains certain that it is Azerbaijan’s approach that has been taken towards Iran threatening the peace of the entire region and spoiling the circle of Arab countries. Azerbaijan is only executing such acts due to Turkey’s backing but given Turkey’s previous records, it will not be shocking if it pulls its hand and leaves Azerbaijan high and dry.