Iran Supreme Leader: Israel and US Have Lost Credibility

khamenei iran

Israel and the US have lost their credibility and there is no remedy for them as they cannot justify the former’s attack, says Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei. He added that it wasn’t just Israel.

“The world of Islam shouldn’t forget in the case of Gaza, it was the US, France and the UK that stood against the oppressed people of Gaza. In the UK, France, Italy and the US, many people came out to the street and chanted slogans against Israel and the United States.”

Khamenei believes Israel is wholly dependent on the US’s military aid. He said without Washington’s aid, the Zionist regime would not be able to go for a long amount of time. The Iranian leader added that Israel would get paralyzed in just a few days.

Iran Calls Israel Boycott

Khamenei urged Muslim countries to boycott Israel, impose an oil and food embargo in an effort to stop its military operation in Gaza. “Islamic governments must insist on immediate cessation of crimes in Gaza.” He believes Israel is in a state of shock and desperation and doesn’t know what to do.

However, his Iraqi counterpart Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani warned that if other countries joined the conflict between Israel and Hamas, supplies of Middle East oil to international markets could be potentially disrupted. In 1973, Arab nations had imposed an oil embargo on the US and Western countries in condemnation of their support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War (Arab-Israeli War).

Libya, mainly the eastern city of Tobruk which is controlled by General Khalifa Haftar, has also called for oil and gas embargo to countries supporting Israel.

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Iran’s supreme leader said Israel is not at all bothered about Israeli hostages in Hamas’ grip. “The occupying regime is so powerless and impotent that it’s started to lie to its own people. Like how they express concern about Israeli captives but then bomb areas that could lead to the captives’ death.”

Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini, a member of Iran parliament’s National Security and Foreign Relations Committee, said Tehran and other regional states will not tolerate Israel’s atrocities. “The Islamic Republic will not reveal its secrets, but is Israel continues ground attacks on Gaza, Iran will hit Israel from somewhere Israelis cannot imagine.”



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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