Iraq hangs three over the 2016 bombing that killed 300 people

iraq hangs three over the 2016 bombing that killed 300 people

The authorities in Iraq hanged three people on Sunday over a 2016 bombing that killed about 300 people and injured hundreds in a Baghdad shopping district.

Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, the Prime Minister of Iraq, held a meeting with victims’ families to inform them about the criminals involved in the attack. He reportedly said that the “death sentence was carried out against three key criminals found guilty of their involvement in the terrorist bombing.”

The Prime Minister’s office did not reveal the names of the criminals. Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s office revealed that the execution took place on Sunday and Monday.

Iraq 2016 attacks

In January 2016, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, and Miqdadiyah, a city in the Diyala Governorate of Iraq. The attacks killed over 132 people. 

After six months, another terrorist attack took place in Baghdad. A lorry packed with explosives blew up in a Baghdad shopping district in July 2016. Reportedly, the lorry came from Diyala province north of Baghdad. 

The attack killed more than 300 people and injured several others. The Islamic State group (IS) took responsibility for the attack. When the attack took place, people were busy with late night shoppers for Ramadan. Police Maj Gen Talib Khalil Rahi said that the bomber’s lorry was loaded with explosives. 

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According to a government source, a person named Ghazwan al-Zawbaee was the mastermind behind the attack. He was captured by the authorities in 2021. 

Mustafa al-Kadhimi, who served as the Prime Minister of Iraq from May 2020 to October 2022, previously said that Ghazwan al-Zawbaee was the “primary culprit” behind that attack. Mohammed Ghabban, the former Minister of Interior, also resigned from his post after the incident. 

The bombing is still considered one of the deadliest attacks to be carried out by the terrorists in Iraq.

Iran executes three people

On Sunday night and Monday morning, Iraq executed three people. According to a government source, Ghazwan al-Zawbaee was among those put to death over the 2016 attack. 

In recent years, Iraqi courts gave death sentences and life terms to various ISIS members. 

ISIS militants in Iraq

Earlier, Iraq took control of areas stretching from eastern Iraq to western Syria. The terrorist group imposed its brutal rule on almost eight million people. Iraq declared victory against ISIS in 2017. 

Despite the group’s defeat, ISIS militants remain active in various parts of Iraq. 



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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