Middle East

Hamas finances its activities with Bitcoins

Hamas finances its activities with Bitcoins. Israel’s intelligence found this out and immediately forwarded the news to the authorities. As a result, defense Minister Benny

Middle East

Saad Hariri has given up on forming a government in Lebanon

Saad Hariri, Lebanon’s prime minister-designate of forming a government last October, stepped down on Thursday after a confrontation with President Michel Aoun. On the day

Middle East

Syria, in new violation of the truce, at least 9 civilians die in Idlib

The daily al-Araby al-Jadeed reported that at least nine civilians, including children, lost their lives on Thursday, July 15, following attacks perpetrated by the forces

Middle East

Palestinian workers and their suffering at Israeli crossings

Sputnik in Arabic has produced a documentary on the real odyssey that Palestinian workers face every day to go to work in the territories occupied

Middle East

The Russia-Turkey tussle blocks aid and vaccines for opponents in Syria

Geopolitics in Syria also plays a role in the pandemic crisis as the border crossing control struggle continues. From which humanitarian aid and vaccines enter.

Middle East

Concern for political prisoners in Libya hostage of armed militias

Militias in the capital Tripoli continue to hold the rule of law hostage in Libya. In recent days, concerns have increased for political prisoners of

Middle East

Black out in Lebanon, power plants shut down due to lack of fuel

Lebanon fights against the lack of water and electricity after the two central plants were shut down due to lack of fuel, plunging the country

Middle East

Supreme Court validates the Nation-State law, Israel belongs only to Jews

We have no other ways to go. The High Court of Justice, with its 11 judges, is the highest level in the Israeli legal system

Middle East

Iran accuses Israel of attacking a nuclear facility near Tehran last month

A brutal sequence of attacks in the Middle East between Israelis, Americans, and Iranians puts enormous pressure on the foreign policy of the Biden administration,

Middle East

Syria at least ten children killed in one month

At least ten minors were among the victims of the attacks in Northwestern Syria since the beginning of June. And another six were injured in