Mohamed El-Arabi Zitot: Muslim Brotherhood Links & European Protests

Mohamed El-Arabi Zitout

Infiltration and Influence: Mohamed El-Arabi Zitot’s Alleged Ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

In recent times, Mohamed El-Arabi Zitot has emerged as a polarizing figure, stirring debates and controversies across various platforms. Hailing from Algerian nationality, Zitot’s alleged affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood has been a subject of intense scrutiny and speculation. Algeria’s long-serving leader, the pro-democracy movement finds itself at a critical juncture, grappling with concerns of infiltration by a group with ties to an outlawed Islamist party from the tumultuous 1990s.

Background and Allegations

Mohamed El-Arabi Zitot, a former diplomat, garnered attention for founding the Rachad movement in 2007. This organization, deemed outlawed by Algerian authorities, has been accused of nefarious activities, including attempting to incite violence within the pro-democracy Hirak protest movement. Zitot’s purported involvement in gathering former militants from the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) to infiltrate and manipulate the Hirak movement adds a layer of complexity to his persona.

Rashad’s Agenda

Debate surrounds Rachad’s motives, with fears that its agenda could resurrect Algeria’s dark past of violence and extremism. Originating in 2007, Rachad is perceived as Islamic-conservative, with leaders who were formerly affiliated with the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), a party instrumental in triggering the Algerian Civil War. Allegations suggest that Rachad seeks to exploit Hirak’s peaceful protests for its own ideological pursuits.

Infiltration Allegations

The Europe-based Rachad group, believed to be associated with Zito, allegedly infiltrated the Hirak protest movement, which played a pivotal role in ousting former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in 2019. While Rachad’s presence is discreet, its purported involvement in Hirak’s demonstrations has sparked apprehension within the movement and drawn scrutiny from Algerian authorities.

Legal Ramifications and Exile

The issuance of arrest warrants against Zitot and other exiled activists underscores the legal implications surrounding his actions. Charges ranging from terrorism-related offenses to forgery and money laundering have been levied against him. Currently residing in exile in Britain, Zitot faces mounting pressure amidst these legal proceedings.

International Impact and Unhealthy Demonstrations

Zitot’s influence transcends borders, with reports suggesting his involvement in fueling unhealthy demonstrations in Europe. His alleged connections to Islamist activism have raised concerns about the potential destabilization of pro-democracy movements and civil unrest in European nations.
Criticism and Response

Critics have lambasted Zitot for his purported role in manipulating political movements and inciting violence. Claims of his involvement in secret activities, including financial transactions and coordination with Islamist activists, have further fueled skepticism surrounding his intentions and objectives.

Keep Reading

The allegations surrounding Mohamed El-Arabi Zitot’s affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood continue to stir debates and concerns, particularly amidst the backdrop of European protests.

As authorities seek to unravel the extent of his alleged involvement, the implications for both European stability and relations with Western nations remain uncertain. Zitot’s role serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding political movements and their potential impact on global dynamics. Only time will tell how these unfolding events will shape future developments in both Algeria and Europe.



Hashim Sheikh: He is a comprehensive personality whose personality has many social, philosophical and mystical aspects besides scientific and cultural characteristics. He writes many articles and also writes poetry from time to time.

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