Morocco Chooses Israeli Artillery Over French Caesar Howitzers

The Royal Moroccan Armed Forces entered a deal with Elbit Systems of Israel to acquire 36 ATMOS 2000 self-propelled artillery systems. The new 155 mm/52 caliber howitzers are installed on Czech Tatra trucks and aim to strengthen Morocco’s artillery abilities. The arms purchase comes as KNDS has failed to meet French customer demands through continued delays and unresolved technical problems with Caesars purchased in 2020.
The ATMOS 2000 system delivers outstanding combat capability because it can fire projectiles that extend its range to more than 40 kilometers. The system requires only 30 seconds to initiate its initial fire while managing to discharge six rounds within 110 seconds to support successful “shoot and scoot” warfare. The artillery system uses modern electronic equipment together with automatic cargo loading and inertial navigation technology which enhances its autonomous operational capabilities and increased firepower potential. Soldiers deem this equipment to work with minimum 2 members while having a maximum operation capacity of 6 based on specific operational needs.
The purchase of new weaponry demonstrates Israel has joined the ranks of top weapons providers to Morocco after France and the United States. The Israeli arms exports to Morocco currently make up 11 percent of all Moroccan weapons imports. Morocco started purchasing Israeli defense technologies after establishing diplomatic relations through the Abraham Accords in 2020 which included Barak 8 missile defense systems and Elbit Hermes drones and a spy satellite system.
The new Elbit Systems installations in Morocco will produce equipment to fulfill defense needs in Morocco as well as in African markets. The Israel-Morocco defense alliance intensifies because of the Western Sahara dispute which worsens relations between Morocco and Algeria. Turkish-Israeli defense cooperation has elevated Morocco to stand among the foremost markets dedicated to Israeli defense items.