morocco's cathode production boosted by $700 million chinese investment

Unveiling the Growth: Morocco’s Cathode Production Boosted by $700 Million Chinese Investment

In a significant leap towards becoming a global cathode production powerhouse, Morocco is poised to receive a substantial investment of over $700 million from Chinese


Trump and King Mohammed VI of Morocco awarded each other medals for their “positive influence” in the Middle East

Outgoing US President Donald Trump has awarded King Mohammed VI of Morocco the Order of Merit of First Degree for his “positive influence” on the


Kushner arrives in Morocco with the first direct flight from Israel

The US presidential adviser, Jared Kushner, will visit Morocco from Israel. He will arrive today with the first direct flight after the resumption of relations


Turkey wants Bashagha and not Serraj at the negotiating table for Libya, the sultan power on the puppet government

The recent Libyan dialogue meetings in Montreux in Switzerland, Bouznika in Morocco, and the delegations in Cairo give hope that a ceasefire will be reached

Coronavirus pandemic

Under the cover of COVID19, Morocco’s monarchy takes back control

The turbulent events of the Arab Spring left the monarchy unscathed thanks to some token reforms on equality and accountability…


COVID19 is fading away the flickering magic of Arab spring in Morocco

Centuries old tradition of “Makhzen” can be seen on streets of Morocco, a platform to share grievances by a network of advisers, spies, military men and people with business interests….

Turkey flag in Bosphorus and Sultanahmed Camii
News Politics

Iraq’s election commission receives scores of appeals contesting country’s election results

Several media outlets pro-Muslim Brotherhood, linked to Qatar, announced that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet shortly the King Mohammed VI of Morocco. The

The headquarters of Arab Monetary Fund
Middle East News

AMF provided $211 to Morocco and $98 million loan to Tunisia amid COVID-19 pandemic

The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF), a regional lender,has provided a loan of $211 million to Morocco to assist it in undertaking public…