Muqeem Makes Changes to Visa Status Checking for Iqama Holders

muqeem makes changes to visa status checking for iqma holders

The official Identity platform that comes under the management of the Ministry of Interior for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has done slight modifications. Now, when iqama (residency permit) holders check their visa status, they’ll see one of two options:

  • “Allowed to enter” 
  • “Not allowed to enter” 

In the previous system, only four statuses were ‘valid’, ‘used’, ‘expired’, and ‘canceled’; this new system is clearer if it can enter the country or not.

What is Muqeem?

Muqeem is a website that helps people check their visa status. It’s free to use right now. Besides checking visas, Muqeem can:

  • Give reports about an expatriate’s visa status
  • Check a visitor’s status
  • Help people get permits to enter Makkah

Other Changes for Foreign Workers

Saudi Arabia has been making many services for foreign workers available online. One important platform is called Qiwa. It has made some changes too:

  1. Shorter trial period for new workers: Now, the maximum trial period is 90 days instead of 180 days. This matches what the Labor Law says.
  2. Faster salary deposit checks: If there’s a problem with a worker’s salary deposit, the company now has 3 days to explain why, instead of 7 days.

Keep On Reading

Why Muqeem is Important

Muqeem has been around since 2007 and has helped make life easier for foreigners in Saudi Arabia. Here are some facts about Muqeem:

  • Over 40,000 people use it
  • It has handled more than 52 million online transactions
  • Users can check their passports, traffic reports, and make payments
  • It saves time and money for both workers and companies

Checking Your Visa 

If you wish to check your Saudi visa or exit/re-entry visa you can do it through Muqeem. It assists in informing the public if they can freely come or go into the country. 

These changes indicate that efforts are being made by the Saudi Arabian authority to ease whatever complications exist when it comes to the dispute of foreign workers. With the help of such social services as Muqeem and Qiwa, people can deal with visas and work permits in a rather comfortable manner. 



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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