Repeated Missile Attacks Are Derailing Iraqi Democracy

Iraq– It isn’t getting any easier for Iraq as it gets constant missile attacks on its natural energy sources. There is a security vacuum that even the government is finding it difficult to fill in. Last week, there have been several attacks and the Iraqi President Barham Salih said that the assaults are “targeting the country’s stability and hitting the national economy.”
It’s a multifaced threat and a hugely complex one as Iraq tries hard to fight its way to developing a stable economy. Missiles of all kinds are loosely coming in destroying important oil and gas sites. They are becoming difficult to intercept as well.
Companies and authorities are fortifying sites but damaged isn’t being controlled. Iraq is constantly under attack as Iran backed dominant political parties could not make it big this time, in the Iraqi October elections. There are indications of retaliations against this and UN support to fair governance and elections. But the bone of contention remains that Iraq has not been able to establish a stable government as various political parties in Baghdad continue to derail the process of formation of a stable government.
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So, securing more domestic co-operation has been tough. The second major hurdle is constitutional and legal disagreements between the KRG and Baghdad over the manner in which the former – a semi-autonomous zone – manages its energy resources with the federal government. Much like with forming a government, no immediate end is in sight, but there is an urgent need for action.
Undeniably, the parties have to unite atleast to keep foreign interference at bay. Right now, they are too occupied fighting over internal issues, not realizing their doors are open to foreign attack, from enemies they don’t even know well to defend themselves against.
In the past, there has been incidents of missile attacks on the houses of key politicians who were working to establish a balanced democracy.