Russia Warns Serbia of West-backed ‘Color Revolution’ in Belgrade


Serbia is reeling under another day of protest in Belgrade where thousands of people gathered to call out the government for fraud parliamentary and local elections. The protest, headed by pro-Europe Serbia Against Violence coalition, rejected President Aleksandar Vucic and his ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).

The protesters are called Vucic a thief and comparing him to the Russian President Vladimir Putin. But the Serbian president denied the allegations, saying the vote took place in a democratic atmosphere and was the most peaceful ever in modern history. Vucic said it was solely up to the country’s institutions to decide whether any elections should return.

The Serbian Prosecutor’s Office said on December 23 that it launched an investigation into allegations of fraud during the election after it received reports of possible irregularities, including vote buying and the falsifying of ballots and signatures.

Serbia Thanks Russia for Intel

The protests in Serbia and riots in Belgrade is said to be an attempted color revolution. This came to light after the Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic thanked the Russian security services for information.

“I feel that it is important to stand up for Serbia and to thank the Russian security services who had the information and who shared it with us. I can only say thank you, and it probably won’t be popular with those from the West. When we shared that information with everyone else, they said ‘Well, that’s Russian disinformation, that’s spreading fake news’.”

President Vucic claimed the protests were sponsored by the West, which wants him removed because of his relations with Russia and refusal to abandon Serbia’s claim to Kosovo.

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Western Interference Rocks Serbia

Russia has also accused Western governments of the protests in Serbia. A European media report alleged Germany’s hand behind the current protests. It says the interest of Western services in elections in Serbia has not waned even after the closing of the polling stations and the Germans are particularly active in animating protests by the pro-Western opposition.

President Vucic said the protests were plotted in advance and the government has solid evidence. “They will not succeed. We are doing our best with our calm and mild reaction not to hurt demonstrators who came to the event to protest peacefully.”



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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