Russia Unveils Checkmate Stealth Nuclear Head Warplane


Russia has recently unveiled its latest Checkmate warplane which has nuclear warhead capabilities. The hypersonic missile it is armed with can travel seven times the speed of sound has therefore poses potentially major ‘destabilizing risk’, according to a statement made by the Russian Embassy in America.

Conflict is inevitable and the fact that it was revealed as a prototype of the Sukhoi fifth-generation stealth fighter is also a loud message sent back to the western world. The warplane was recently revealed at the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon, according to the media agencies worldwide as reported. The show opened in Zhukovsky, outside Moscow.

As a fifth-generation addition, the warplane automatically has stealth capabilities coupled with artificial intelligence to assist pilots in flying and navigation. Putin that has cemented his dictatorial rule in Russia did not mince his words when he said that, “What we saw in Zhukovsky today demonstrates that the Russian aviation has a big potential for development and our aircraft making industries continue to create new competitive aircraft designs.”

But the unveiling of the warplane has sent jitters across the world. Inevitably, there are now nuclear warhead presence in the Europe. The aircraft is up for production and sales too. Oleg Panteleyev, head of the Russian Aviaport analytical agency, said the fighter jet could be a rival to the U.S. F-35 stealth fighter. It would be fully functional by 2023 and Russia plans to produce 300 of the fighters over 15 years starting in 2026. Each would cost between $25 million to $30 million.

This plane would have more buyers because of its unique structuring of a single engine in comparison to the two engine Su-30 and Su-35. Designed to be smaller, it is said to be cheaper than Russia’s latest Su-57 two-engine stealth fighter too. The Checkmate is going to be able to fly at a speed of 1.8-2 times the speed of sound, has a range of 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles) and a payload of 7,400 kilograms (16,300 pounds).

Ironically, Russia has used a double edged sword as it announced its own stealth powered nuclear warhead, while it asked Washington not to do so for the sake of peace in Europe. Russia remains focused on increasing its export of weapons, of which sale of its aircrafts has been a major money puller.



Alaina is a young writer passionate about sharing her work with the world. She has a strong interest in new writing styles and is always trying to find ways to be more creative.

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