Saudi Arabia is one of the top 5 donors to the Turkiye earthquake fund

Saudi arabia

The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs praised Saudi Arabia and other donor countries on Friday for their contributions to the funding of more than 25% of the UN’s emergency appeal in response to the fatal earthquakes in Turkiye, according to the Saudi News Agency.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake on February 6 and its aftershocks, which devastated large portions of southeast Turkiye and some war-torn Syria, prompted a $1 billion humanitarian financial appeal for relief operations in Turkiye. According to the UN, $268 million of that appeal’s $1 billion goal was raised.

OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke urged nations to contribute, noting that 27% of the request had been funded and that the US, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the European Commission, and the UN Central Emergency Response Fund were the top donors.

Read | Saudi Arabia is one of the top 5 donors to the Turkiye earthquake fund

He added that 3 million people had been relocated and 9 million had been directly impacted by the earthquakes, and that the assistance supports the Turkish government’s response.

On February 16, the UN released a $1 billion appeal to aid more than five million Turkiye residents as well as a simultaneous flash appeal to aid Syrian survivors within the first three months. Of the $398 million required, $364 million have been raised by the latter.

From the UN and other humanitarian organizations, more than 4.1 million people have received basic household items and clothing, 3 million have received emergency food aid, and more than 700,000 have received help to improve their living conditions, including tents, relief housing units, and tent repair equipment. Laerke stated.

According to him, 1.6 million individuals received assistance with water, hygiene, and sanitation in addition to about 1 million liters of drinking water being provided.

The Turkish Ministry of Health has received support from the UN humanitarian organization in the form of 4.6 million doses of vaccines, 16 mobile health clinics, medications and supplies for the treatment of trauma and injuries, and mobile health clinics.



Salma Hussain is an MBBS doctor who loves to write on health-related topics. Apart from this, writing on sports and entertainment topics is her hobby. She is playing the role of an important writer in Arab Post.

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