Spain to Recognize Palestine as Independent State

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Spain has been very much outspoken about the Palestinian cause has been trying to push Palestinian aspirations. Unlike its European counterparts, Spain recognizes the need for Palestine as an independent state for Middle East peace.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez at a press conference on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing with Gaza, on Friday, said the time has come for the international community and the European Union to once and for all recognize a Palestinian state. He said it would be better if the EU did it together, but if it’s not the case then Spain will take its own decisions.

“I also reiterate Israel’s right to defend itself but it must do so within the parameters and limits imposed by international humanitarian law and this is not the case. The indiscriminate killing of civilians, including thousands of boys and girls, are completely unacceptable.”

Spain for Palestinian Dialogue

Last week Sanchez said the Mediterranean Summit, to be held on November 27-28, would be an ideal place to relaunch the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria are members of this Mediterranean grouping.

Spain is pushing for a political solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine on the basis of two states. The Spanish Prime Minister promised that his government’s first commitment on foreign policy would be to work in Europe and Spain to recognize the Palestinian state.

Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, commended Spain for having a clearer sympathy for the Arab world. This comes at a time when the EU is facing backlash for presenting an unbalanced view on Palestine and the crisis in the Middle East.

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An Independent Palestine State

Experts have highlighted the failure of Oslo Accords in giving rise to an independent Palestine state. Isaias Barrenada, professor of international relations, says the Oslo Accords served for Israel to legitimize itself, covering up its occupation – a colonization that has reached stratospheric levels. He highlighted obstacles to the two-state solution – extreme violence with which Israel is acting in Gaza ruining any chances of the parties sitting down together for the next 50 years. The willingness of the parties to negotiate after the war ruled out the only alternative would be as happened in Oslo – US forcing Israel into dialogue.”

Nadav Tami, PLO official, pointed out that Israel never recognized the two-state solution or the rights of the Palestinian people. “The official policy is that there are not two states, there is only one – Israel. If you don’t want two independent states and you don’t want a democratic state for all, what choice is left? Either genocide, like what is happening now in Gaza, or what Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have denounced – apartheid.”



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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