Strengthening Maghreb Unity: Libya Calls for Inclusion of Morocco and Mauritania

libya calls for inclusion of morocco and mauritania

Maghreb unity has long been a goal for the region, aiming for stability and cooperation among North African countries. Libya’s recent call for the inclusion of Morocco and Mauritania underscores the significance of this objective.

Libya’s Message to Morocco

The Libyan Presidential Council’s message to King Mohammed VI expressed gratitude for Morocco’s support during Libya’s national political crisis. This message emphasized Morocco’s pivotal role in promoting dialogue and negotiation among warring factions in Libya.

Morocco’s Support and Mediation Efforts

Morocco has been a key supporter of Libya’s peace process, actively mediating and organizing talks between conflicting parties. The Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, highlighted Morocco’s role in stabilizing North Africa and the Arab Maghreb.

Criticism of Algeria’s Exclusionary Stance

Algeria’s exclusionary stance towards Morocco and Mauritania in recent Maghreb consultations has been criticized by Libya. The Libyan administration insists on the inclusion of all Maghreb countries for a stable, balanced, and peaceful region.

Revitalizing the Arab Maghreb Unity

The Arab Maghreb Unity, founded in 1989, remains the primary forum for addressing regional issues. Libya, supported by Morocco, is keen to revitalize the union and promote regional stability through Maghreb unity.

Morocco’s Contributions to Resolving the Libyan Crisis

Morocco’s efforts to resolve the Libyan crisis have been significant. The Tangier and Bouznika talks, along with the 2015 Skhirat Agreement, have been instrumental in establishing a National Unity Government in Libya, showcasing Morocco’s commitment to regional peace and stability.

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Strengthening Fraternal Relations

The meeting between Nasser Bourita and Sami al-Menfi reaffirms the strong ties between Libya and Morocco. Both countries are committed to enhancing cooperation and promoting regional stability through Maghreb unity.

Libya’s call for the inclusion of Morocco and Mauritania in Maghreb affairs reflects a broader effort to strengthen unity and cooperation in the region. Morocco’s support and mediation efforts have been pivotal in resolving conflicts and promoting dialogue among Maghreb countries, highlighting the importance of Maghreb unity for regional stability.



Raven Ruma is a professional journalist with a keen eye on domestic and foreign situations. His favorite pastime is to keep the public informed about the current situation through his pen and he is fulfilling this responsibility through the platform of Arab News.

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