In a secret meeting between Israel’s director Mossad and the head of Qatari intelligence in Doha in the beginning of February, Netanyahu has literally begged for the billions of funding money to keep coming into Gaza.
Middle East News

Israel Begs Qatar To Continue Funding Hamas

In a secret meeting between Israel’s director Mossad and the head of Qatari intelligence in Doha in the beginning of February, Netanyahu has literally begged

On Sunday, Pope Francis cautioned against "biased solutions" to the Israeli-Palestinian tensions,
Middle East News

Pope Francis seems to disapprove of Trump’s Middle East peace plan

On Sunday, Pope Francis cautioned against “biased solutions” to the Israeli-Palestinian tensions, saying they would be an introduction to new crises, in an obvious hint

On 9 Feb, Israeli High Court ordered that Heba Yazbak, Knesset (MK) member, will be permitted to run for the forthcoming Israeli elections
Middle East News

Israeli High Court permits Heba Yazbak to contest the upcoming elections

On 9 Feb, Israeli High Court ordered that Heba Yazbak, Knesset (MK) member, will be permitted to run for the forthcoming Israeli elections regardless of

Earlier it was Palestinian politicians who have gone arms against the Washington pushed Middle Eastern Plan.

EU Rejects Trump Pushed Middle Eastern Plan

  Earlier it was Palestinian politicians who have gone arms against Washington pushed Middle Eastern Plan. Now, it is the European Union that has reservations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet he discussed the normalization of relations during the meeting with senior Sudanese politicians in Uganda.

Netanyahu met the President of the Sudanese Council of Sovereignty

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet he discussed the normalization of relations during the meeting with senior Sudanese politicians in Uganda. Netanyahu