Turkey Blames Russia Of Imbalance in Idlib Province

Russia and Turkey are attacking each other in a verbal tussle where Turkey is lashing out at Russia saying “Observation posts were set up and the regime had to stay outside of this area. Russia and Iran were to ensure the regime stayed outside, Turkey had responsibilities too, Turkey fulfilled these,” Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay
Justifying its reasons for working in Syria was that Turkey was taking responsibility of keeping its part of the deal of the 2018 truce agreement. In response, Russia has been very pragmatic. It has said that Moscow cannot ignore the presence of terrorism and unless that is wiped out, there can be no peace in Syria. Speaking over the issue, on national television, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said victory over terrorists is “unavoidable” in Idlib and that it is no exaggeration to say that Idlib is “one of the last hotbeds of terrorism” in war-ravaged Syria.
Russia is on Assad’s side while Turkey on the other side has been trying to rid the place of all Kurdish representation. Erdogan has tried to Trump on its side and raised a hue and cry over how unfair is Russia’s take in Syria. key
Russia has insisted that Turkey may not make provocative statements and that both countries need to have a constructive dialogue. Meanwhile, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Alexei Yerkhov has indicated that he had been verbally threatened amid nosediving bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia.
Turkey has then been forced to increase security around the Russian embassy in Turkey. The whole situation has gone out of hand when a recent attack by the Syrian government led to the death of more than 10 Turkish soldiers. Russia is supporting the Assad regime and has said that Turkey is instigating violence again by sending forces in Idlib, which Turkey has denied.